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Infection Control News: July 30-Aug 3, 2018

No timeline to reopen 6 Metro Vancouver beaches closed due to E. coli levels. News  

Rare two-day protest over China vaccine scandal reveals public anger. News  

B.C. health officials issue warning to parents after China recalls vaccines. News

Child becomes first Manitoban infected with West Nile Virus in 2018. News.

After Ottawa, it is now London’s turn to have a mosquito found positive for West Nile virus. News.

How do local officials track West Nile virus among Mosquitoes? Video

Dengue fever outbreak halted by release of special mosquitoes. Insects unable to transmit viruses halted disease in Australian city – now scientists hope same technique could help tackle Zika and malaria. News

A new species of Ebola virus has been detected in bats in the north part of Sierra Leone. it is not known if the virus, named Bombali, can be transmitted to people. But lab tests suggest that it has the potential to enter human cells. News.

A Taiwanese study found that harboring multi drug resistant Gram- bacteria will significantly increases the risk for subsequent MDRGNB infection and mortality after hospitalization. Study.

Two studies led by McGill University Health Centre in Canada, one in adults and the other in children, have trialled a less toxic drug than the one in current use worldwide for latent TB and cut the treatment time from nine months to four. News

Active substance raises hopes of curing hepatitis E. News

Tackling the Antibiotic Resistance Caused by Class A β-Lactamases through the Use of β-Lactamase Inhibitory Protein. Journal

There are two dogs in the world trained to sniff out C. difficile — and both of them are in B.C. Find more about them in this article. News.

Hepatitis C drug Ganovo won a top clinical research award due to its successful performance in a phase 3 trial. News

CDC Vital Signs: Containment of Novel Multidrug-Resistant Organisms and Resistance Mechanisms — United States, 2006–2017. Article  

From ICHE in the July issue: Different Types of Heater-Cooler Units (HCU) and Their Risk of Transmission of Mycobacterium chimaera During Open-Heart Surgery: Clues From Device Design. Result: all infected patients were associated with a specific HCU. Study.

Paramedics and hospital staff at a Denver hospital in Colorado, were dressed head-to-toe in protective suits Sunday as a possible case of Ebola made its way to the hospital. See more in the video. News.

Simulation reveals that USA is NOT ready for severe pandemics. It was designed to pinpoint challenges in preparedness & current policies. 20 wks after the fake outbreaks, 150M people were dead worldwide, including 15M in US. News.  

700,000 deaths occur annually from infections by resistant bacteria. By 2050, projected rate could reach 10 M deaths/yr. From economic standpoint, AMR is devastating. The cost of lost global production between 2014 & 2050 is predicted to be 100 trillion. News.  

Congo announces 4 new cases of Ebola a week after outbreak in north declared over. News.
